Fat can “settle” in certain parts of the body. Women gain fat mostly in the stomach, buttocks, hips & thighs. Men can gain fat in the belly, chest & waist. Until very recently, conventional Suction Assisted Lipoplasty (SAL) & Ultrasonic Assisted Lipoplasty (UAL) were the limited choices available to help you lose inches.
High-Definition Liposuction, a revolutionary new technique for fat reduction, has been introduced by Dr. Viral Desai.
High-Definition Liposuction, a revolutionary new technique for fat reduction, has been introduced by Dr. Viral Desai. CPLSS or Center for Plastic and Laser Superspecialities offers liposuction surgery in Mumbai as well as in Pune. The surgery is performed by Dr. Viral Desai who is the best Liposuction surgeon in Mumbai with over twenty years of experience.
SAL & UAL are similar in concept to deflating a balloon. Fat is suctioned to reduce the overall volume of the area. Because they both work in the deeper layers, SAL & UAL are unable to simulate the delicate curves of the buttocks, hips & outer thigh. High-Definition Liposuction is the liposuction of fat in the superficial and intermediate layers. It is associated with a more contoured look and greater skin retraction.
HD-SLS removes fat in all layers (in all three dimensions) and allows delicate contouring of the body, not just a simple reduction in volume. It also means that you will look good in and out of clothes.
Conventional SAL & UAL remove fat only from the deeper layers. If the superficial fat remains, the outer layer is heavier and may fall after deep suctioning, forming rolls & bumps. HD-SLS removes fat in the superficial as well as intermediate layers to better sculpt the body contour. A HD-SLS along with a Mini-Tuck and muscle contouring can help both males & females achieve the “six-pack abdomen” look. With HD-SLS, the skin contracts and tightens post-surgery. In SAL and UAL, loose skin may be worse after surgery. The concepts of HD-SLS apply to most parts of the body such as thighs, upper arms & flanks.
HD-SLS is performed with smaller cannulas (suction tubes) so that there may be less bruising and bleeding. Unlike in UAL, there is no heat generated at the end of the cannula. So, HD-SLS can be performed close to the skin without the risk of a skin burn.
How is HD-SLS different from Traditional Liposuction?
Conventional SAL & UAL remove fat only from the deeper layers. If the superficial fat remains, the outer layer is heavier and may fall after deep suctioning, forming rolls & bumps. HD-SLS removes fat in the superficial as well as intermediate layers to better sculpt the body contour. A HD-SLS along with a Mini-Tuck and muscle contouring can help both males & females achieve the “six-pack abdomen” look.
Why is it called HD-SLS?
HD-SLS removes fat in all layers (in all three dimensions) and allows delicate contouring of the body, not just a simple reduction in volume. It also means that you will look good in and out of clothes.
Can HD-SLS be performed in other parts of the body?
Yes, the concepts of HD-SLS apply to most parts of the body such as thighs, upper arms & flanks.
Is HD-SLS gentler than traditional SAL & UAL?
HD-SLS in Mumbai is performed with smaller cannulas (suction tubes) so that there may be less bruising and bleeding. Unlike in UAL, there is no heat generated at the end of the cannula. So, HD-SLS can be performed close to the skin without the risk of a skin burn.
What are the advantages of HD-SLS?
With HD-SLS in Mumbai, the skin contracts and tightens post-surgery. In SAL and UAL, loose skin may be worse after surgery.