Frequently Asked Questions

Breast Augmentation

Do Breast Implants Last A Lifetime?

Generally, no. While there are women who have had implants for 20+ years and have never had a problem, the accepted average life expectancy of a breast implant is about 16 years.


How Do Implants Feel?

Imagine a balloon or a ziplock bag filled with water. Silicone gel can be equated to jelly or hair gel inside of a balloon or ziplock bag. Silicone gel is softer and more natural feeling than saline is.

What Do Implants Feel Like Once They're Inside The Body?

Many women equate the feel of their breasts implants to that of a teenage girl with young, healthy, firm breasts. Saline breast implants feel a bit firmer (both inside and outside the body), while silicone gel breast implants are the softer, and more natural feeling implant.


Do Breast Implants Expire, Or Have An Expiration Date?

No, implants do not have an expiration date.


Do Implants Make Noises Like Sloshing, Squeaking, Etc.?

These noises are common during the first few days after surgery. Air in the pocket causes these types of noises, but they will dissipate anywhere from a few days to a few weeks post-operation.


Will My Breasts Look Operated?

Due to the new shapes of implants, the breasts look absolutely natural.


Will Having Capsular Contracture Cause The Implant's Shell To Weaken, Or Even Rupture?

There seems to be varying opinions on this. Some say no, because there is equal amounts of force being exerted on the implant. However, according to Dr. Viral Desai, it is possible for very severe cases of capsule contracture to rupture the implant. Thankfully, this does not seem to be a common problem. Out of the women patients treated by Dr. Viral, not one of them has had their implants rupture due to capsular contracture.


Do Breast Implants Get Hard?

No, implants themselves do not get hard. However, in the event that capsular contracture occurs, your breasts will feel firm. This is due to the scar capsule shrinking, and squeezing the implant, thus making it feel firm. In actuality, when the implant is removed, it feels just as it did when it was placed during the initial surgery.


What Is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Augmentation Surgery or Breast enlargement also called “Enlargement Mammoplasty”, involves surgical placement of an implant behind each breast to increase its volume and enhance its shape.

Many women choose to have their breasts enlarged in order to get a fuller bustline. Mammoplasty surgery can enhance your breast size, shape and can give you a more proportional figure. Women feel a lot more confident post surgery which goes a long way in building their self-esteem.

CPLSS (Center for Plastic and Laser Super-Specialities) is one of the best Plastic Surgery Clinics for Breast Augmentation in Mumbai. Dr. Viral Desai is the founder of CPLSS Mumbai and CPLSS Pune.

Common Medical Names

Breast Enlargement Surgery / Mammoplasty Surgery / Silicone ImplantsBreast Enlargement Surgery / Mammoplasty Surgery / Silicone Implants

Plastic Surgery

How Do I Decide Whether I Need A Plastic Surgery Procedure?

The first step is to decide exactly what it is about you and your body (or appearance) that you would like to improve or change. Be specific – if you know where you would like to go, it is much easier to get there. People sign up for plastic surgical procedures for many reasons – to look younger, to change an undesirable feature or to feel confident about oneself. The decision is personal. Remember that plastic surgery will not, by itself, change your personality. But it may give you greater self-confidence and add to your sense of well-being. If you are undecided, I recommend you think about your expectations carefully, make sure that you are in good health and have good self-esteem, understand the risks of the procedure you are considering signing up for, and, most importantly, are considering taking up the procedure for yourself rather than to please someone else.

Is Plastic Surgery Expensive?

Like any other medical treatment, the costs involved in a plastic surgical procedure depend on many factors: the expectations of the client, the intricacies of the procedure, etcetera. It is best to ask this question during your consultation, since by then the doctor would have a fair idea of your expectations. In some cases, your doctor would be able to suggest alternative, lower-cost treatments which may enable you to achieve results similar to the results offered by the procedure you wish to take up.

I Want A Procedure, But I Can't Afford To Spend Tons Of Money. Do I Have Other Options?

Yes. You can look for a less expensive procedure (assuming that it meets your criteria for results). This is usually possible. First, decide what it is that you really want to change. Let’s consider an example of a person desirous of a facelift. If it is the neck and jaw line, several very effective, much less expensive procedures are available. For example, liposuction of the lower face with neck tightening can produce excellent results for at least 60% less. Minimal incision facelifts are available for much less (50% or more), but you will need to search for them. If the skin is your concern, ask about laser resurfacing or facial peels as alternatives. A blepharoplasty (removal of excess eyelid skin) can often provide a definite lift to the upper face. Rigorous daily skincare combined with mild to moderate facial chemical peels can often give nice results. Remember, you can have the rejuvenation in stages, with less recovery time and less expense.

Are Plastic Surgery Procedures Painful?
All surgery carries with it a different degree of pain and discomfort. However, depending on the procedure, your surgeon would generally involve an anesthetic – either local or general – which should block out the pain during the procedure. Post-procedure, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medicines to minimize discomfort.
What Are The Risks Involved In Plastic Surgery Procedures?

All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. While thousands of plastic surgeries are performed successfully each year, there are always risks associated with surgery – infection, bleeding, scarring, and anaesthesia adverse reactions. However, the risks are substantially mitigated when the surgery is done by a qualified plastic surgeon. Also, certain personal habits – such as smoking – may have an effect on the risk of complications.

I Want Cosmetic Surgery, But I'm Afraid, I Hear So Many Horror Stories.

You must be proactive in specifying your wants, needs, and preferences. Most horror stories are caused by a combination of general anesthesia, poor judgment, excessive surgery, and ignorance. Think: are you willing to accept 70% improvement using a very safe procedure, rather than “trying for” an 80% improvement with a procedure that is, statistically, up to 10,000 times more dangerous? Are you willing to experience some mild discomfort during the surgery (rather than being asleep) to be up to 10,000 times safer, assuming that both procedures result in similar improvement? These are not exaggerations, although most surgeons do not discuss things this way. Amazingly, the safer procedures are almost always less expensive.

How Long Will The Results Of Cosmetic Surgery Last?

Well, it depends on many things – if you do not smoke, avoid direct sun exposure, eat well, exercise, maintain your general health, and limit alcohol use. If so, then count about 6-10 years. Change is gradual, and in 6-10 years, you are 6-10 years “ahead” of those who did not have cosmetic surgery or that much better than you might have been without the surgery. For liposuction, the fat cells removed with liposuction are gone forever, but if you continue to gain weight, the remaining cells will expand, and be noticeable.

What Should I Consider Before Signing Up For A Procedure?

Make sure you are psychologically and physically fit for your procedure. Equally important for you is to select the right surgeon and the operating facility. Check if the surgeon has the appropriate academic and professional credentials and is board-certified for the procedure. Also, understand the kind of training the surgeon has had in the specific procedure you’re considering and the number of clients on which your surgeon has performed the procedure. Apart from a clean and hygienic ambiance, your operating facility should have emergency facilities – check for backup generators, 24-hour staff on call, an ICU, provision for central oxygen and nitrous, state-of-the-art anesthesia facilities, ventilators, laminar airflow in the OT (which filters air particles greater than 3 microns, minimizing the risk of infections), central monitors, an in-house pathology laboratory, etc.

I Have Decided To Take Up A Procedure / I Need More Information. What Do I Do Next?

Please get in touch with us at CPLSS on 022-61178888 / +919833807002 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Viral Desai. Depending on your specific expectations, you may be required to provide certain details over the phone or via email before your appointment. During your consultation, Dr. Viral Desai will understand your needs, answer your questions, and will advise you on the procedures available to you to fulfill your expectations.

Breast Lift

Is Breast Lift Surgery Right For Me?
If you want firmer, pert breasts, breast lift surgery can help you achieve the results you want. If you’re unhappy with your breasts, whatever the reason, we’ll talk to you about achieving the breast size and shape you would like.
Who Will Benefit From Breast Lift Surgery?

Women of all ages with various breast concerns choose to have breast lift surgery. While some women’s breast are naturally less firm, many others find their breasts can lose their shape after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Equally, the ageing process, or weight loss can also result in skin losing its elasticity. As a general rule, if the line where your nipple sits lies below the beginning of the crease of the breasts you will benefit from breast lift surgery.

How Is Breast Lift Surgery Done?
During the breast lift operation, excess skin from and around the area of dark tissue surrounding the nipple (and sometimes from under your breast) is removed. This creates a tighter cone of breast tissue and your nipple is moved to a higher position to give a more youthful and firm appearance.
What Results Can I Expect From Breast Lift Surgery?
You can expect firmer breasts that sit upright and do not sag. The nipple will sit higher on the breast, giving a more youthful appearance.
Can I Combine Breast Lift With Other Procedures?
Depending on the results you want to achieve and the size and shape of your breasts, your doctor may recommend a breast enlargement or breast reduction. Many women also choose to have a tummy tuck or liposuction to regain the body shape they have lost through childbirth or weight loss.
How Long Will I Need To Take Off Work?
Breast lift patients are required to stay for 1-2 nights in the comfortable surroundings of a hospital. It is advisable that breast uplift patients take a two-week break from work.
How Do I Arrange To Have A Breast Lift?
Sign up for a consultation with Dr. Viral Desai or with a doctor from his team. At the consultation, your doctor will evaluate you and will understand your expectations from the surgery. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and to receive the necessary information – regarding the procedure, the aftercare and the costs – which will enable to you to decide about your surgery.
What Is Breast Lift Augmentation Surgery?
Breast Lifts are preferred by women for following reasons:

Reshaping sagging breasts and improving the contour of the breast shape caused by loss of skin elasticity due to weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding
Increase firmness of breasts
Lift and increase breast size
Reduce size of the areola
Reposition the nipple if it is pointing downward
CPLSS (Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Laser Super-specialities) offers Breast Lift Surgery in Mumbai. Patients may connect with Dr. Viral Desai to understand more about the surgery and breast lift surgery costs.

Dr. Viral Desai is a renowned and a trusted name for Mastopexy in Mumbai and has over twenty years of experience as a super-specialist cosmetic surgeon.

Common Medical Names
Mastopexy Surgery, Breast lift Augmentation Surgery
Eligibility For Women To Undergo A Breast Lift Surgery
You may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery or mastopexy surgery if you have one or more of the following conditions:
1. Breasts that are pendulous, but of satisfactory size
2. Breasts that lack substance or firmness
3. Nipples and areolas that point downward, especially if they are positioned below the breast crease

We recommend a breast lift procedure only when breast development, childbirth or breast-feeding has stopped.

Breast Reduction

Who Is A Good Candidate For Breast Reduction?
In general, the best candidates for breast reduction are women:
• 18 years of age or older
• Mature enough to fully understand the procedure
• Whose activities are limited due to large breasts
• Experiencing physical discomfort due to large breasts
• Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
• Not intending to breastfeed in the future
• In good physical and psychological health
• Wanting to improve their appearance and/or comfort
• Realistic in their expectations
The above is only a partial list of the criteria that your surgeon will consider in determining whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you. Be sure to ask your surgeon if you are an ideal candidate for breast reduction.
What Are Some Of The Most Common Benefits Of Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction is quite successful at reducing the weight of very heavy breasts, making it easier to enjoy an active lifestyle. Many women find that this surgery relieves chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. The primary benefit of the operation is functional, but you also get a breast lift, which may enhance your appearance and improve your body image.
Do I Need Any Special Tests Or X-Rays?
If you are in good health and you want a local anesthetic, you may not need any special tests or X-rays. If you suffer from a serious illness, such as diabetes, your surgeon may order tests or suggest you see your treating physician. If you are going to have general anesthesia, the anaesthesiologist may order special tests to prepare for the anesthesia. Most plastic surgeons take photographs before and after surgery. If you are over 35 years you should do a mammogram.
Is The Surgery Painful?
Although the surgical incision for this surgery is quite large, it is placed in areas of the breast that are not too sensitive. In addition, due to the fact that the nerves to the breast skin have been stretched out by the weight of the breasts over a long time, the skin is less sensitive. Thus, the pain after surgery is usually easily managed with oral pain medications. Initially, there is discomfort in walking, getting out of bed, and any activity that causes the breasts to move. You may continue to be sore for the first few days after surgery.
When Do I Get Back To Normal?
Although you may be up and about the next day, your breasts may still ache occasionally for a couple of weeks. You should avoid lifting or pushing anything for three or four weeks. Most women can return to work (if it’s not too strenuous) and social activities in about two weeks. Avoid sex for a week or more, since sexual arousal can cause your incisions to swell, and avoid anything but gentle contact with your breasts for about six weeks.
Are There Any Risks Involved?
Breast reduction is not a simple operation, but it’s normally safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there is always a possibility of complications, including bleeding, infection, or reaction to anesthesia. Some patients develop small sores around their nipples after surgery; these can be treated with antibiotic creams. You can reduce your risks by closely following the written instructions we provide you before and after surgery. The procedure leaves noticeable, permanent scars, although your bra or bathing suit can cover them. Do note that poor healing and wider scars are more common in smokers. Less common but possible side effects include: slightly mismatched breasts, unevenly positioned nipples, not being able to breast-feeding (since the surgery removes many of the milk ducts leading to the nipples), and permanent loss of feeling in nipples or breasts. Rarely, the nipple and areola may lose their blood supply and the tissue will die; the nipple and areola can usually be rebuilt using skin grafts from elsewhere on the body.
What Is The Long-Term Outcome Like For Most People?
Of all plastic surgery procedures, breast reduction has the most immediate dramatic results. The chronic physical discomfort is gone, the body is better proportioned, and clothes fit better. Some women find that as much as they have desired these changes, they need time to adjust to their new body image. After this adjustment period, most women are very happy with the results. Your surgeon will make the incisions as inconspicuous as possible, but the scarring from this surgery is fairly extensive and permanent. These scars are long, and they remain pink or brown for several years. For some women, the scars become wider; but for others, they fade and become less noticeable. Poor healing and wider scars are more common in smokers. Fortunately, the scars are placed in areas that are not seen unless you are topless, and can be hidden by most bathing suits. Future breastfeeding may not be possible, since the surgery removes many of the milk ducts leading to the nipples.
Can I Combine This With Other Procedures?
A major trend in the last few years is for patients to have more than one operation at the same time. This reduces cost and means you only have one period of recovery and pain. Except in rare cases, this does not significantly increase the risks of surgery.
What Happens After Surgery?
After surgery, you’ll be wrapped in a surgical bra over gauze dressings. You may feel some discomfort for the first day especially when you move around or cough. We prescribe medication to lessen the pain.
How Should I Prepare For Surgery?
You may be required to have a mammogram (breast x-ray) before surgery. Dr. Viral Desai will advise you on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating, drinking, not smoking, and avoiding certain medications that affect your bleeding like aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.


What Is Rhinoplasty? Who Is A Good Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, which is more commonly known as a ‘nose job’, is a surgical procedure used to refine and/or reshape the nose. Common changes include modifications in the size and shape of the bridge and/or the tip of the nose. Some of the indications that you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty are:

  • Your nose appears too large for your face
  • There is a bump on the nasal bridge when viewed in profile
  • Your nose seems too wide when viewed from the front
  • The nasal tip droops or plunges
  • The tip is thickened or enlarged
  • Your nostrils are excessively flared
  • Your nose is off-center or crooked
  • Previous injury has made your nose asymmetrical
Why Do They Say It Takes A Whole Year Before You See The Results Of Rhinoplasty?
While you will certainly see positive results from your rhinoplasty procedure well before a year’s time, it typically takes a full year for all of the swelling to subside and the final, most refined results to be achieved. A noticeable difference in your nose should be immediately apparent after surgery. However, this is not fully representative of the final result due to post-surgical swelling and discoloration. The swelling should begin to fade within about a week after surgery, and 80% of the swelling and 100% of the discoloration should have faded within two to three weeks. By month three after your procedure, 90% of the swelling will be gone, with the remainder slowly fading throughout the rest of the year. This residual swelling is typically not apparent to the patient or other observers after the first few months.
How Long Does The Actual Surgery Last?
Surgical times vary according to several factors. Primary rhinoplasty procedures tend to take between two and three hours to complete and revision rhinoplasty procedures typically take between 3 and 4 hours.
Are There Any Complications Or Risks With Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is generally considered a safe procedure, though every surgical procedure does carry some risk of complication. These risks may include adverse reactions to anesthesia, infection, nosebleeds, numbness of the skin, small bursting of blood vessels on the surface of the skin, asymmetry, and other possible complications.
Is Rhinoplasty Painful?
Though pain is a relative thing, most rhinoplasty patients experience more discomfort than pain. In addition, this discomfort is most often associated with nasal packing, or packing of the nose after surgery to prevent or control bleeding. The nasal packing is typically removed within a day or so after surgery, and patients typically feel a great deal of relief once this occurs.
What Is Nasal Packing?

Nasal packing is the procedure in which gauze or cotton packs are applied to the nasal chambers and are used to control or prevent bleeding and sometimes to support the septum after rhinoplasty. The packing is typically removed within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after surgery.

What Is The Recovery Like After Rhinoplasty?
The amount of time it takes to recover after rhinoplasty will vary from patient to patient. You’ll likely want to remain in bed for the first day after surgery, but most patients find that they’re up and about within a day or two. Though swelling and bruising can remain visible for three weeks or more, patients are typically able to return to work within a week’s time. Sun exposure and any strenuous activity risking injury to the nose will need to be avoided for two to three weeks.
Does Rhinoplasty Leave Scars?
Rhinoplasty requires that incisions be made in the skin which will result in scars. With closed rhinoplasty procedures, however, the incisions are confined to the inside of the nose, thus resulting in no visible scarring. With open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made on the columella, or on the underside of the skin between the nostrils. This results in a small, fine-line scar that is well-concealed and barely noticeable in time.
Are X-Rays Taken Before Undergoing Rhinoplasty?
X-rays are often not required before undergoing rhinoplasty. However, a CAT scan or other x-rays may be taken if there are breathing problems or to give the surgeon a better feel for the nose’s anatomy.
What Specifically Can Be Achieved With Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can refine and/or reshape the nose by making any of the following changes:
• reduction or increase in the overall size
• change in the angle between the nose and upper lip
• narrowing of the span of the nostrils
• removal of a hump
• change in the shape of the bridge or the tip.
Rhinoplasty can also alleviate some breathing problems


What Is Liposuction?
The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle.
What Is Tumescent Liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction designates a form of liposuction that uses tumescent local anesthesia. The tumescent technique for liposuction totally by local anesthesia has eliminated the greatest dangers associatedThe word tumescent refers to anything that is swollen and firm. In the tumescent technique for liposuction, a large volume of very dilute solution of local anesthesia (lidocaine and epinephrine) is injected into the fat beneath the skin, causing the targeted area to become tumescent. The local anesthetic lidocaine in the tumescent solution provides such complete local anesthesia, that it eliminates the need for general anesthesia, or IV sedation. The drug epinephrine (adrenalin) provides profound localized vasoconstriction that it virtually eliminates surgical bleeding during tumescent liposuction. By eliminating the risks of general anesthesia and the risks of excessive surgical bleeding, the tumescent technique for liposuction has eliminated the greatest dangers associated with the older forms of liposuction. with the older forms of liposuction.
What Are Elastic Compression Garments?
Elastic compression garments (specially designed girdles) post liposuction are beneficial for the patient
1) Minimizes swelling and reduces pain
2) Improves blood circulation
3) Speeds up the healing process
4) Maintains the elasticity of the skin. Most surgeons require that patients wear an elastic compression garment for a certain length of time after liposuction.
What Is The Cost Of Liposuction?
The cost of liposuction usually depends on many factors like which part of the body is treated, any other areas of the body or the body type. When only one area is treated by liposuction the fee is less than when multiple areas are treated.
Am I A Good Candidate For Liposuction Surgery?
A good candidate for liposuction is any person who has realistic expectations and is in good health.
What Are The Realistic Expectations Which I Can Have From My Liposuction Surgery?
After liposuction, the new body’s shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back.
Which Areas Can Be Treated By Liposuction?

The most frequently treated areas for women are the abdomen, breasts, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks, and neck. In men, who comprise about 15% to 25% of liposuction patients, the most commonly treated areas include the chin and neck area, abdomen, flanks (“love-handles”), and breasts.

What Kind Of Qualifications Should A Liposuction Surgeon Have?
Liposuction is most commonly performed by surgeons who have acquired special training in the techniques of liposuction. Surgeons who perform liposuction or other cosmetic surgeries are called “cosmetic surgeons.”
What Are The Complications And Risks Of Liposuction Surgery?

The most dangerous aspect of liposuction is an attitude that ignores the risk of doing too much liposuction on a single day, or disregards the risks of doing multiple unrelated surgical procedures on the same day that liposuction surgery is performed. As judged by current worldwide experience, liposuction is amazingly safe. Rare problems that can potentially occur with any surgical procedure include infections, bleeding, skin ulcerations, and nerve injury.

What Questions Should I Ask Before Choosing A Liposuction Surgeon?
Decisions about liposuction should not be based solely on the cost of liposuction. The cheapest procedure might mean that the surgeon does the procedure quickly and incompletely. You should feel free to ask any questions you have about liposuction. In fact, it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure that all important questions have been asked and answered before making any final decisions about liposuction.

Tummy Tuck

How Does Abdominal Liposuction Differ From A “Tummy Tuck”?
A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a major surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia, and involves liposuction and excision to remove fat, plus a large excision of skin. In many patients (but not all) liposuction of the abdomen can often provide equivalent or better results than a tummy tuck. Because liposuction is safer and causes less scarring compared to tummy tucks, abdominal liposuction is now far more common than are tummy tucks.The tummy tuck is the procedure to remove excess fat and skin and to tighten underlying muscles in the abdomen. It also gets rid of loose or wrinkled skin and stretch marks. Both women and men can benefit from this extremely effective body contouring surgery. Liposuction is ideal to contour the abdomen for those who have good skin tone and excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, but the tummy tuck is a better procedure for women and men who have loose abdominal skin following pregnancy and weight loss.
How Does A Tummy Tuck Work?
Abdominal wall deformities have 3 components:
(a) Wrinkly or loose skin with stretch marks. This is usually the result of pregnancy, aging, or marked weight loss
(b) Excess fat tissue, usually more prominent in the lower abdomen
(c) Rectus Muscle Diastasis. The muscles of the anterior abdominal have separated. Exercise does not help in this situation (once the muscle relaxes, they separate and the tummy bulges out.)
Full tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, addresses the 3 defective components (skin, fat, and muscle) so it benefits most patients who want a flat stomach and skin as tight as possible. Results, especially when combined with liposuction of the flanks, are dramatic. The procedure can be done totally under local anesthesia (tumescent technique), twilight anesthesia, or general anesthesia, depending on individual patient preference and needs. A relatively long incision in the bikini line just above the pubic area is made. A second incision is made around the belly button. The skin and fat as a unit are separated from the abdominal wall and lifted up the rib cage exposing the rectus muscles fascia (the sheath that covers the muscles and works as an inner girdle). The fascia is then sutured in order to tighten loose or stretched-out muscles located below the fascia. This step creates a tighter abdominal wall and a thinner waist. The skin is stretched down and the excess skin and fat are removed. A new opening is cut on the skin for the repositioning of the belly button. Usually drains are inserted to eliminate fluid and blood buildup. Every effort is made to hide the scars in the bikini area. The incision is then closed, and a firm dressing is then placed on the abdomen. Liposuction to remove excess fat from hips and flanks is often performed in conjunction with the tummy tuck for a better body contour.
What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck?
A mini tummy tuck or partial abdominoplasty is best suited for patients who have a pouch below the belly button, who do not have significant stretch marks, saggy skin, or a hooded belly button. The procedure is less invasive than a full tummy tuck. While a full tummy tuck involves an incision around the belly button and across the lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck leaves the belly button intact and requires a smaller incision. The excess skin and fat are removed and tightening of the muscles is performed. Liposuction is frequently employed with this procedure to remove excess fat above and below the belly button to enhance body contour.
What Is Dermolipectomy?
Dermolipectomy is a procedure that removes skin and fat from the abdomen but does not tighten the muscles. It is indicated for slender women who have wrinkly or excess skin but good muscle tone. The scar is the same as a tummy tuck.
What Are The Limitations Of A Tummy Tuck?
The tummy tuck procedure will not remove stretch marks of your mid or upper abdomen (but it will shift them lower on your abdomen). There will be a scar extending across the lowest part of your abdomen, just above the bikini line. Also, there will be a second scar around your belly button, if the belly button requires transposition. These scars are commonly hidden by underwear or a swimming suit. The scars may worsen during the first 3 to 6 months as it heals, but this is normal. It takes approximately 9 months to a year before scars flatten out and lighten in color. Regardless, you are most likely to look and feel better with a flat abdomen and scars than you are with a bulging belly. Serious complications after tummy tuck surgery are uncommon. However, there are risks with any surgery and specific complications associated with this procedure.
The ideal candidate for tummy tuck surgery should meet most of the following criteria:
• Is close to their ideal body weight (within 30%)
• Wants to remove specific areas of loose skin or fat that is diet and exercise-resistant
• Weight has been stable for 6 months or more
• Has good skin tone and elasticity
• Is emotionally stable
• Understands the risks of abdominoplasty surgery and scarring.
If you do not meet all of these criteria, but meet some of them, you may still be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. The traditional tummy tuck procedure is most suited for those who are close to their ideal body weight, but if you have a lot of fat in an isolated area, you may still be a good candidate. If you intend to lose a lot of weight, wait until after your weight loss to schedule abdominoplasty surgery. If you plan on future pregnancies, you should wait to have surgery until you are done having children as pregnancy will stretch the abdomen again. You are at increased risk for complications if you have diabetes, poor blood circulation, heart, lung, or liver disease, smoke, have a family history of blood clots, take certain medications, or if you are obese and probably should not have an abdominoplasty procedure.
What Is The Abdominolipoplasty Procedure?
The traditional abdominoplasty procedures (full tummy tuck, mini-tummy tuck and dermolipectomy) are associated with a relatively high complication rate because of the required large undermining of the anterior abdominal flap that involves extensive trauma and compromise to the blood supply of the abdominal flap. General anesthesia or heavy twilight sedation is frequently required to complete the surgery because of the extensive tissue dissection and manipulation. We have adopted a revolutionary minimally invasive approach to tummy tuck that can be safely and effectively performed as an office procedure totally under local tumescent anesthesia. The technique called Abdominolipoplasty combines two procedures: liposuction of the abdomen and the tummy tuck. By avoiding the use of general anesthesia or heavy sedation (and complications associated with this type of anesthesia) this new procedure offers an improved postoperative recovery.
What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Or Abdominoplasty Surgery?
Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a “tummy tuck surgery,” is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen. CPLSS has a well trained staff and an experienced team of professional surgeons who regularly perform Tummy Tuck Surgery in Mumbai at affordable costs.
Common Medical Names
Abdominoplasty Surgery
Common Non-Medical Names
Tummy Tuck Surgery, Tummy Tuck Treatment
Eligibility For Men And Women
The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are:
1. Men or women who are in relatively good shape, but are bothered by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that won’t respond to diet or exercise.
2. The surgery is particularly helpful to women who, through multiple pregnancies, have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal.
3. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients, which frequently occurs with slight obesity, can also be improved.


What Is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty or eyelid tuck surgery is designed to remove or re-suspend the herniated fat and atrophied muscle, as well as lax, excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids. It is a very popular procedure as hooded eyes seem to lack luster and seem old or tired to many patients Many individuals who choose this procedure are very aware that their upper eyelids have seemed to disappear within the fat of the upper eye area. Fat herniation is quite normal and will happen to everyone once we age. Sometimes a blepharoplasty can improve an individual’s vision. This is achieved by removing the excess fat and skin that may block an individual’s peripheral field of vision. The purpose of a blepharoplasty is for the aesthetic appeal that wider, youthful eyes possess.
How Is The Procedure Performed?
Blepharoplasty is usually performed using a combination of local anesthesia and light sleep sedation or general anesthesia. The incisions are made within the natural creases of the eyelids. Your surgeon removes or re-suspends the herniated fat and excess skin and sutures the incision with very fine hair-like sutures. Minimal removal (or re-suspension) has proven quite beneficial for those who may need it. In those who do not need fat resuspension or removal, only the excess skin should be removed.
Is There Any Scarring With A Blepharoplasty?
As with any surgical procedure some scarring should be expected, although the scarring associated with blepharoplasty is quite minimal and practically non-existent after several months The scars are placed within the normal creases and folds of the upper and lower eyelids so that when the eyes are open the scars are invisible. With lower blepharoplasty, where the fat is to be removed only with no skin excision, the incision can be made either on the inside of the eyelid or right under the lash line.
At What Age Is Blepharoplasty Performed?
Although there is no set age when blepharoplasty is performed, the usual age that patients start making consultation appointments for blepharoplasty is from 35 years of age and up. However, this is highly individualistic and excess skin and fat around the eye area may be desired to be removed younger than 35 years of age.
Will Blepharoplasty Rid Me Of My Eye Wrinkles?
A blepharoplasty is not designed to remove the wrinkles (Crow’s feet) from the eye area, nor lift the brows. It is designed to remove the excess skin and/or re-suspend herniated fat from the lid areas only. There are other procedures available that are area-specific to these complaints. Chemical Peels and Laser Treatments can help soften peri-ocular (around the eye) wrinkles significantly. For a non-surgical solution, Botox is very effective in ridding you of Crow’s feet or lifting the brows.
What Should I Expect Post-Operation?
Swelling will be apparent at first and there may be some bruising. Your eyelids may feel tight and sore as the anesthesia wears off, but your pain medication should be able to control any discomfort. Your vision may be a little blurry for the first few days due to the swelling and your eyes may be watery or they may be dry. You should not be in any extensive pain. Patients have described post-operative pain as associated with blepharoplasty as mild discomfort as if the skin was sunburned, wind burned or the eyeballs having been irritated or scratched.
When Will My Stitches Be Taken Out?
Stitches are normally removed within 3 to 5 days of the operation.
When Will I Be Able To See The Results?
After the swelling goes down you will be able to see a definite difference in the amount of overhang in the upper eye area if you had an upper blepharoplasty. You must realize that when you wake up no matter what time of day there will be increased swelling. This is due to pooling of fluids, lack of movement, and not having urinated in many hours, (this actually can contribute to swelling of the tissues even without having surgery) Also swelling will be more apparent if you are not elevated properly. If you sleep with your head well elevated (with at least three pillows) during the interim of your recovery, this will be less apparent
What Are The Risks Of Blepharoplasty?
The usual complications that are associated with blepharoplasty include:
• double or blurry vision for a few days
• temporary swelling at the corners of the eyelids
• difficulty in closing your eyes when sleeping
Talk to Dr. Viral Desai at your consultation for details of the risks involved in blepharoplasty in your individual case.

Facial Implants

How Are The Implants Attached To The Various Structures? Can They Slip?
Implants are generally not attached to the underlying structures because they are made with depressions on the undersurface to fit over the anatomic areas on which they are inserted. Implants can slip; however, in general, the pockets created are made just big enough to allow the implant to sit in the correct position. In some situations, small screws are used to fasten the implants in place.

Can Implants Be Used With Other Types Of Plastic Surgery (Such As Face-Lifts)?
Yes, implants can be used in conjunction with other procedures like facelifts. Depending on the patient’s need, certain implants can be utilized with other types of face procedures.

How Many Kinds Of Materials Are Used To Make Implants?
Hard silicone is the most common kind, but there are a few other types like Gore-Tex and Medpor.

What Does A Cheek Implant Do? How Does It Enhance The Face
Cheek implants will essentially pump up the area of the cheek. Depending on your need, sometimes the plumping is needed more in the front of the cheekbone or on the side of the cheekbone.

Will I Have To Have An Implant Procedure Repeated In A Few Years?
In general, unless there is a problem with the implants there is no need for a repeat procedure.

Are There Scars After Surgery?
If you are talking about cheek implants, the incision is made on the inside of the mouth generally, so you will not have an outside scar. As far as chin implants, you may have a scar underneath the chin but it is located in an imperceptible position

Will The Surgery Hurt?
Any surgery has some pain associated with it, but it is usually easily treated with ordinary pain medication.

How Common Is Infection From The Surgery?
Infection is one of the complications that can occur with implants. Fortunately, it is fairly uncommon.

Is Facial Implant Surgery Done On An Outpatient Basis?
Facial implant surgery is almost always done on an outpatient basis.

Is There A Chance That The Body Will Reject An Implant ?
The materials that the implant is made out of are generally inert enough to not elicit an immune response. However, it is possible to have a sensitivity or to develop an infection around the implant, and this in essence will force the implant to be removed.

Face Lift

How Long Is The Face Lift Procedure?
Surgical facelift varies depending on the specific needs of the patient and surgery. Mini lifts or direct neck lifts are quick, while traditional full-face lifts may take a few hours of precision surgery.

What Is Recovery Like After Face Lift?
Downtime may be a few hours to several days, depending on the specific procedure and areas treated.

Will Smoking Affect My Recovery After Face Lift?
Smoking adversely affects your recovery. One may develop pneumonia, and treated areas don’t heal as well or may become infected. The blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues shrink up and prevent the necessary healing of the area. Patients must stop smoking for a minimum of two weeks prior to surgery to decrease the risk of these complications, and continue smoking cessation after the procedure.

What Health Conditions Threaten A Successful Recovery After Face Lift?
Dr. Viral Desai checks the complete history and does a thorough physical examination of all patients prior to undergoing cosmetic treatments. A facelift can be safely performed on many chronic medical conditions wherein the patient is stable. However, facelift surgery may be delayed or canceled as needed for patient safety. Dr. Viral Desai will work with you to identify a safe, appropriate plastic surgery option.

Will I Need Time Off Work After Face Lift?
Most patients take at least two weeks off from work. A longer period of recovery may be necessary for combined procedures.

When Can I Resume Regular Exercise After Face Lift?
Strenuous activities or exercise after plastic surgery will increase the risk of bleeding, swelling, and bruising until an appropriate healing time has been allowed. This restriction during the recovery period varies based on the operation performed and the patient’s medical condition. Light activities, such as slow walking, may be performed soon after anesthesia. Heavy activities, such as aerobics, yoga, cycling, running, heavy lifting, or similar vigorous activities are allowed after 2 weeks from the procedure. Contact sports are generally allowed after 6 weeks from surgery.

Can I Combine Face Lift With Other Facial Plastic Surgery?
Yes, it’s generally preferred to combine procedures. First, by combining surgery, insurance may cover a portion of the procedure, and you may save money on fees. Secondly, tissue modified from one area may be used for another surgical area, such as fat transfer and face lifting. Lastly, the recovery process following surgery would only be once, and you minimize downtime by avoiding two separate procedures. Commonly combined procedures with lip enhancement include the following:
• Lip enhancement
• Brow Lift
• Botox
• Peels
• Fat Transfer
What Is Facelift Surgery?
Facelift Surgery, Face Lifting Treatment, Meloplasty or Facial Rejuvenation, or Rhytidectomy is a surgery performed to tighten the skin around the face and neck and remove fat from these areas. CPLSS offers Facelift Surgery in Mumbai as well as Pune.

Common Medical Names
Face Lift, Face Lift Procedure
Common Non-Medical Names
Face Lifting Treatment, Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

Lip Enhancement

How Long Is The Lip Augmentation / Enhancement Procedure?
Lip augmentation treatments are relatively quick cosmetic procedures. The length of treatment may range from 15 minutes to an hour

What Is Recovery Like After Lip Enhancement?
Downtime after cosmetic procedures is usually a few hours to a day, depending on the specific procedure and areas treated. Office procedures are performed under local anesthesia if any anesthesia is required. Most patients do not require any time off from work, and may even return to work on the same day.

Will Smoking Affect My Recovery After Lip Enhancement?
Smoking adversely affects your recovery. One may develop pneumonia, and treated areas don’t heal as well or may become infected. The blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues shrink up and prevent the necessary healing of the area. Patients must stop smoking for a minimum of two weeks prior to surgery to decrease the risk of these complications, and continue smoking cessation after the procedure.

What Health Conditions Threaten A Successful Recovery After Lip Enhancement?
Dr. Viral Desai performs a complete history and physical on all patients prior to undergoing cosmetic treatments. Lip enhancement may usually be safely performed on many chronic, stable medical conditions. However, lip enhancement may be delayed or canceled as needed for patient safety. Dr. Viral Desai will work with his cosmetic patients to help find a safe, appropriate plastic surgery option for them.

Will I Need Time Off Work After Lip Enhancement?
Most patients do not require any time off from work, and may even return to work on the same day. A longer period of recovery may be necessary for combined procedures.

When Can I Resume Regular Exercise After Lip Enhancement
Strenuous activities or exercise after non-surgical cosmetic treatments will increase the risk of bleeding, swelling, and bruising until an appropriate healing time has been allowed. This restriction during the recovery period varies based on the cosmetic treatment performed and the patient’s medical condition. Heavy activities, such as aerobics, yoga, cycling, running, heavy lifting, or similar vigorous activities are allowed after 2 weeks from the procedure. Contact sports are generally allowed after 6 weeks from surgery.

Can I Combine Lip Enhancement With Other Facial Plastic Surgery?
Yes, it’s generally preferred to combine procedures. First, by combining surgery, insurance may cover a portion of the procedure, and you may save money on fees. Secondly, tissue modified from one area may be used for another surgical area, such as fat transfer and face lifting. Lastly, the recovery process following surgery would only be once, and you minimize downtime by avoiding two separate procedures. Commonly combined procedures with lip enhancement include the following:
• Face Lift
• Botox
• Peels
• Fat Transfer

Ear Surgery

What Is A Split Ear Lobe?
The split ear lobe is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a separation of skin from the point of piercing down through the base of the ear lobe. Although a discussion about split ear lobe repair is considered to be more of minor cosmetic surgery, we include it here because the information and surgery are so commonly requested.

What Causes Split Ear Lobe?
Most commonly, trauma from heavy or dangling earrings creates a slit in the ear lobe that begins at the point of piercing and continues to the base of the ear lobe. Catching a hoop earring in a comb when combing the hair is also a very common cause.

How Is Split Ear Lobe Repaired?
Split ear lobe repair is a safe, effective surgery performed to restore the ear lobe. The wound edges are “freshened” and closure is typically performed using a Z-plasty technique. This means that the wound is closed in a zig-zag fashion to strengthen the area from splitting again. The wound is securely sutured and a steri-strip (little butterflies) dressing is added to reinforce the closure while healing takes place. At your initial consultation, Dr. Viral Desai will provide all the instructions necessary for you to follow before and after surgery.

How Soon After The Surgery Can I Wash My Hair?
It’s important to keep the sutures and steri-strips dry for five days following split ear lobe repair. During this time, one may shampoo as long as the ear lobe and steristrips remain dry. On the morning of the suture removal appointment, we will ask you to shower and shampoo the hair prior to the appointment. When the sutures are removed, steri-strips frequently need to be reapplied, in which case one would again need to keep the area dry for another five days.

How Does Split Ear Lobe Repair Affect My Daily Activities?
Most patients carry on with little interruption to their daily activities. We ask patients to switch ears when using the telephone. So as not to disrupt the sutures, we also ask the patient to avoid turtlenecks or tight-fitting garments that are removed over the head. As far as aerobic activities, these should be avoided for one week following surgery. It’s important to avoid bending, lifting or straining during this postoperative period as these activities can increase swelling and delay healing.

Will I Be Awake During Surgery?
Yes. For patients undergoing split ear lobe repair alone, this can be performed in the clinic with only local (numbing) anesthesia.

How Long Would My Surgery Take?
The length of time for split ear lobe repair depends on several factors including the nature and amount of trauma, wound status, and individual complexities of each person’s ear lobe. In general, split ear lobe repair takes about one hour depending on the anatomy and structure present prior to surgery.

How Long Will Bruising And Swelling Last?
Postoperative bruising and swelling begins to resolve at the end of the first week. For patients with a history of easy bruising, resolution of bruising or swelling may take two weeks.

When Can I Go Back To Work Or School?
Most patients return to work or school the day after the procedure.

Male Breast Reduction

What Is Male Breast Reduction?
Male breast reduction is a procedure that can reduce the size of enlarged male breasts, making them flatter, firmer, and better contoured. During the surgery, excess fat and glandular tissue are removed from the breasts and, if necessary, excess skin may be removed as well.

Am I A Candidate For Male Breast Reduction? Am I Too Young To Have Gynecomastia Surgery?
Candidates for male breast reduction include men who are looking to improve the appearance of an enlarged breast. It’s also important that male breast reduction candidates be in good physical health, psychologically stable, and have realistic expectations. Many patients undergoing this surgery are affected by gynecomastia, a medical condition characterized by over-development of the male breast which affects an estimated 40% to 60% of men. The most important question you should ask yourself is: does the condition bother you both psychologically and physically? Should the answer be positive, you should consider surgery and start to gather the information that will help you make an intelligent decision.
In general, we recommend you wait until the age of 18 years. There are some circumstances where a person should consider it earlier. Should you be unable to make this decision, do consult Dr. Viral Desai or a board-certified plastic surgeon.
How Is The Surgery Performed?
The male breast reduction surgery begins by making incisions which may be made on the edge of the areola or in the area of the underarm. Working through the incisions, excess glandular tissue and fat are removed from around the areola and from the sides and bottom of the breasts. Excess skin may also be removed. Liposuction alone may be used if there is only excess fatty tissue. This procedure takes an average of one to one-and-a-half hours to perform.

Are There Any Scars?
The incisions made for the male breast reduction surgery will result in scars. However, they are usually placed in a well-concealed location on the edge of the areola or in the underarm area. Incisions and resulting scars may be smaller if only excess fatty tissue is to be removed or they may be larger if a major reduction is required.

Will I Have Pain That Will Require Medication?
Some discomfort may occur during the first few days after the surgery. Usually, pain is minimal, but since we want to make sure you will be comfortable, we do provide you with a prescription for pain medication.

How Much Time Should I Take Off From Work Or School?
This depends on the type of work you do and the extent of the surgical procedure. Usually, it’s between 3 and 10 days, but healing time varies for each individual and should be discussed during your consultation.

What Sort Of Recovery Is There After Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
After male breast reduction, bandages or dressings may be applied to the breasts. In some cases, a small drainage tube may be applied to the incision site as well. Patients can expect some degree of swelling and bruising. The swelling may disguise the improvement at first but should fade within a few weeks. A compression garment may need to be worn for about one to two weeks after the surgery.

What Is Gynecomastia Surgery Or Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
The male breast reduction surgery reduces abnormally-enlarged, female-like breasts in men through the procedure of liposuction and/or cutting out excess glandular tissue.

CPLSS or Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Laser Super-Specialities perform Gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai and in Pune. It is founded by Dr. Viral Desai – a board-certified surgeon with over twenty years of experience in treating Gynecomastia in Mumbai and in Pune for over twenty years. CPLSS is a state-of-art center designed for the utmost professional care, comfort, convenience, and privacy of patients.

CPLSS offers Gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai as well as in Pune and Dr. Viral Desai is one of the most renowned Gynecomastia Surgeons in Mumbai. With its state-of-art clinical facilities, CPLSS is an award-winning Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery clinic with utmost care and focus on patient convenience, care and comfort.

Common Medical Names

Common Non-Medical Names
Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Male Chest Correction

Buttock Implants

How Long Does Buttock Implant Surgery Take?
It generally depends on the type and extent of the procedure or whether you’re having buttock implants with or without liposculpture. Each procedure usually takes between one to two hours.

If I'm Visiting From Out-Of-Town, How Long Should I Remain After Surgery Before Departing?
With any type of implant surgery, you should allow 1-2 days for your recovery after surgery. Dr. Viral Desai will advise you if there is a change in this waiting period.

What About The Vacation Packages? I've Read About That The Benefits Of Getting Buttock Implants While On Vacation. Is This Safe?
Absolutely not! Any advertisement that asks you to consider getting a ‘surgical vacation’, or have surgery such as butt implants while on vacation isn’t being truthful, and in fact, could put your health in jeopardy.

How Soon Can I Get Back To Work?
It depends greatly on the specific procedure, and the individual. Some patients tolerate surgical procedures better than others. But, on average most patients are back to work within a week, or ten days.

Will It Hurt?
This will be discussed with you in detail during the initial consultation. During the procedure, our anesthesia staff will assure you that you’re comfortable and will feel no pain. You’ll be asleep throughout the entire procedure. After surgery, any pain or discomfort you may experience will be controlled through medication and will usually subside within a matter of days.

How Soon Can I Get Back To Work?
It depends greatly on the specific procedure, and the individual. Some patients tolerate surgical procedures better than others. But, on average most patients are back to work within a week, or ten days.

How Long Will It Be Before The Final Result?
This varies. The final optimal result can usually be appreciated a few months after surgery. At first, you may feel uncomfortable after buttock implant surgery, and you will be advised to not sit until the sutures have time to heal. In most cases, you’ll have to rest on your stomach side to let the region heal. After a week (approximately), you’ll be able to sit comfortably again, but it may seem to you at first as though you’re sitting on a wallet or padding. This is the feeling one gets in the upper region of the buttock, although this isn’t the load-bearing region when one sits. The buttock implant is generally placed much higher in the gluteal pocket, while the upper back of the thighs is the area where most of the weight from sitting is distributed, so, it is unlikely that you’ll ever actually “sit” on the implant itself. As well, you may have to wear a compression pad (elastic wrap) if you have additional liposculpture done, in conjunction with the implant procedure. In these instances, you’ll have to wear this garment for a week or two.

Will There Be Scars?
Yes, but they probably won’t be noticeable. Your surgeon will make every effort to keep incisions as minimal as possible and try to hide them in the natural lines and creases of your skin. The scars will fade over time and become barely noticeable.

What Are The Risks And Complications?
As with any operation there are certain risks. The most common risks include bleeding, infection and scarring. Although these events are usually infrequent, they sometimes can occur. These will be discussed with you during the consultation for your procedure. Other complications can include capsular contracture, or loss of some sensation in the region. Capsular contracture is a condition that can occur when fibrosis of connective tissue forms around the capsule (the implant body), causing hardness, and definitive implant edges that can be seen or restrict movement. Capsular contracture occurs infrequently, but in severe cases, where the capsule fiber can’t be broken externally, can result in the removal, and/or replacement of the implant.

Will I Need To Travel To CPLSS For A Consultation Prior To My Surgery, Or Will A Picture Be Adequate?
Generally, a photograph of your problematic area will do, to start the evaluation process. Dr. Desai or a doctor from his team will view the area you are inquiring about, and then consult with you. Normally, you would have to visit for physical inspections and medical tests, if required, in advance of any planned surgery.

Dimple Creation

How Long Does It Take To Create Dimples On The Cheek And Chin?
The procedure is normally done under local anesthetics as a daycare case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes of surgical time.

Can I Dimple(S) Of Exact Depth, Shape And Dimensions?
Dimple creation procedure is not an exact science. It is not possible to predict accurately the depth, size, and shape of the dimples. However, the majority of our patients are satisfied with the results.

Tattoo Removal

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?
Laser energy is directed at the tattooed area for a fraction of a second, passing harmlessly through the outer layer of the skin and targeting the tattoo ink directly. The laser fragments the ink, allowing your body to absorb it and break it down naturally.

How Much Does It Cost?
Tattoo removal at CPLSS is more affordable than most people think! Please make an appointment to visit us for a consultation.

Can All Colours Be Removed?
Most colours can be removed completely. Some colours may require more treatments. Even the most challenging colours will usually fade significantly. On rare occasions, certain colours may not be removable.

Will The Tattoo Be Gone After My First Treatment?
Tattoo removal requires multiple treatments. There are several different factors involved in determining how many treatments your particular tattoo will require.

Are There Any Limitations After Treatment?
You may resume most activities soon after treatment, provided you ensure the area is not rubbed or scratched. If you are in the sun, you should cover the treated area to prevent sunburn until the skin has healed. Most importantly, follow the doctor’s advice; they may adjust from treatment to treatment to ensure the best results.

Can I Have Just Part Of My Tattoo Removed?
Yes. We can take the face off your pin-up girl to have it redone. We can take just the name off the banner across your heart. Our lasers are very accurate.

Will I Have A Scar?
The chances of scarring are virtually zero if you are compliant with the aftercare instructions given to you by your doctor. Any scarring present before you begin tattoo removal will remain after the tattoo ink has been removed.

Does It Hurt?
Pain is your personal perception and everyone experiences it differently. There is a minimal amount of discomfort involved in this procedure. Prior to your treatment, we can numb the area with an anesthetic. As we treat the area, we cool the overlying skin with a skin cooling device. This combination of topical anesthesia and cooling air makes the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Direct Hair Implantation

How Is DHI Better Than Other Methods Of Hair Transplant?
Traditional hair loss treatments such as hair plugs, strip extraction and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are extremely painful and traumatic. Often, clients are left with a scarred scalp due to cutting at the time of extractions and incisions at the time of implantation. In contrast, with near-zero pain, no scars, no cuts and no stitches, DHI provides a very comfortable client experience, both during and after the procedure.

The major difference between DHI and other methods of hair transplants is the quality of results. While other techniques merely involve placement of follicles from donor zone to the recipient zone, the DHI technique comprises a blend of artistic conception of hairline design and scientific precision in locating the follicles. The difference reflects in the results you have to live with for your lifetime: haphazard and uneven hair growth by other techniques versus DHI’s 100% natural results, with appropriate density and waviness.

For its consistent outstanding performance, DHI India has received the “Hair Restoration Company of the Year, 2013” Award from Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting firm.

How Does DHI Compare With The FUE Technique? Are They The Same?
No. DHI offers a number of advantages over traditional FUE. By definition, FUE means Follicular Unit Extraction and hence, placement of the hair follicle is not given as much importance as its extraction is. Most often, forceps are used for placement. In contrast, DHI uses the patented DHI Implanter to precisely control the angle, depth and direction of the implanted follicle. This creates a totally natural hairline, free from the pitting and discolouration that is oftentimes associated with FUE and other traditional methods of hair restoration.

While DHI’s surgeons can remove up to 6000 hairs in one session, extraction in FUE is limited to under 2000 hairs per day, extracted in bunches of up to 5 hairs. Also, FUE is compatible with only certain hair types and the patients have to shave their entire scalp prior to the procedure. The DHI technique can be applied to nearly all hair types and also allows for hair transplant without shaving the entire scalp.

What About DHI's Results? Will My Hair Look Natural?
DHI guarantees 100% natural results! The implanted hair grows for the rest of the client’s life. DHI’s strengths are hairline design, distribution and natural look. As a result of our scientific research and extensive training, each hair follicle is implanted with precise angle, depth and direction.

Are There Any Side Effects To The Procedure?
DHI transplants are done under local anesthesia with world class equipment by trained specialist doctors (dermatologists). It is an absolutely safe procedure with no side effects. Clients can read a book or watch television during implantation. Suitable comfort breaks are given during sessions.

Could You Tell Me A Bit More About My DHI Procedure?
DHI uses your own hair in the transplant procedure. This hair is carefully chosen from the donor zone on your head. In certain cases, hair from other areas of your body could also be used. DHI does not use any artificial hair in its procedures.

With global best standards acting as the guidelines, DHI’s artistic and scientific protocols are customized to the needs of each client. Appropriate pre-procedure measures are advised to the client – hair loss test, evaluation of medical history and personal hair analysis. The actual transplant procedure typically takes about 4 to 7 hours. The implantation session is followed up by necessary post procedural checks.

When Will I See My Hair Grow Back?
Results are visible after about 16 weeks, depending on how quickly the capillaries form around the newly relocated follicular units. It takes about 9-10 months for full length results to be visible.

What Is DHI's Total Care System™?
“Every hair transplant patient, anywhere in the world, deserves a great result, every time.”
Mr. K.P. Giotis, Chairman, DHI

The objectives of any hair loss treatment should be safety, natural results and maximum growth for client’s life. Until DHI, no hair restoration clinic in the world had a system to meet these essential standards. DHI’s Total Care System™ is DHI’s quality standardization system for hair restoration, applied uniformly worldwide. DHI’s Total Care System™ takes into consideration the four important aspects of hair transplants: (a) Psychological Aspects, (b) Mathematical Aspects, (c) Medical Aspects and (d) Artistic Aspects.

DHI’s Total Care System™ combines scientific research, accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment and result evaluation according to global best standards to meet the needs of each client, ensuring perfect results every time. It is the first complete hair restoration system with the strictest written protocols for all stages of hair restoration. For you as a client, DHI’s Total Care System™ gives you extensive support and information – before, during and after your procedure – to provide you the best possible results.

DHI's Competition Claims That They Are The Best Hair Transplant Company And Yet, They Offer Low Prices. How Is That Possible?
When considering a hair transplant, it is advisable to appreciate the value of the complete treatment, rather than its price. DHI performs many repair cases – cases of hair transplant gone wrong – on ex-clients of companies who claim to deliver similar results at a lesser cost. In such repair cases, clients often demonstrate atrophied and compromised donor zones, which is a result of an incorrect earlier procedure. Effectively, these clients lose their valuable donor hairs forever, as these hairs are not replaceable. In most cases, the resulting look after the transplant is worse than the original look of the client due to incorrect placement of hair at wrong depth, direction, angle and design.

DHI prides itself on being recognized as the best hair transplant technique worldwide because of the quality of its transplants and natural results. When compared on technique, quality of treatment and natural results, DHI provides far higher value for money than any other hair transplant company in India today. DHI’s 43 years of scientific innovation and tens of thousands of satisfied clients are testimony to DHI’s industry standing.

Our name can be copied, but our technique, our patented tools and expertise cannot be reproduced.

How Do I Sign Up For My DHI Procedure?
You could call Dr. Viral Desai’s clinic for reserving your appointment. At your consultation, your DHI Total Care Consultant would perform a hair loss test and analysis and would help you out with a convenient date for your procedure.

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