Nobody really likes to consider having to have a follow-up surgery after their original operation, but it’s crucial to have reasonable expectations and be aware of potential challenges. Women who have had breast augmentation should be aware that there is a good chance they may require new breast implants at some point in the future. Dr Viral Desai, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has won awards, is dedicated to assisting patients who have had breast augmentation surgery to attain and maintain their desired figure through breast implant implantation, replacement, revision, or removal. Learn more about breast implant replacement at CPLSS Clinic, including the expected lifespan of your implants and the potential reasons why they might need to be replaced in the future.

Female patients frequently ask us if they will need new implants in ten years. This is a typical misunderstanding. Breast implant manufacturers often offer a 10-year guarantee on their products. This is one hypothesis for the origin of this misconception. However, if the implant surgery is carried out properly, the implants can and often do live considerably longer than that. But there are cases where the implants do need to be replaced. Here are signs that you might need a breast revision.

1. Changes in the shape or size of your breasts 
2. Visible rippling, wrinkling or dimpling of the implant 
3. Pain or discomfort in the area of the implant 
4. Swelling, redness, or warmth in the area of the implant 
5. A lump or hardening around the implant 
6. Unexplained changes in the nipple or breast 
7. Changes in sensation in your breasts or nipples 
8. Fluid leakage or discharge from the implant area

Once you have your new implants, be sure to refer to your doctor’s advice on routine self-checks and checkups to keep an eye on the health of your implants. If you have breast implants, it’s crucial by keeping in mind the above signs and a careful eye on them for any symptoms or changes that could indicate that they need to be changed.

You can be a candidate for breast implant replacement if you have annoying or uncomfortable symptoms because of your breast implants or if you just feel that a change is needed. Make an appointment for a private consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr Viral Desai by calling the compassionate staff at CPLSS Clinic Mumbai/Pune right now to find out how breast implant replacement may help you attain the body of your dreams.

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