Rhinoplasty refers to surgeries carried out in order to reshape your nose or treat medical issues if any. Are you not happy when facing any kind of difficulty while breathing or with the appearance of your nose? Then, you need to know that rhinoplasty solves these conditions. Rhinoplasty is one of the best aesthetic-related surgeries for the nose and it creates a balance between your face and nose structure.

The doctors are highly qualified and hold years of experience in this field. Based on your facial features, skin type, and medical issues, the doctor will determine if you are the right candidate for this surgery. Also, you too need to conduct thorough research about all aspects of this procedure.

The post-recovery phase must be kept in mind as most people tend to skip it. Any malfunction during the post-recovery phase can lead to problems like infection or deformity in structure or a delayed recovery period.

When you are going for surgery of rhinoplasty in Mumbai, always keep in mind that you must not hide anything from your doctor. This is important to stay clear about your expectations and issues. Also, based on that, the doctor or specialist will be able to tell you how realistic your wishes are.



Your rhinoplasty surgeon in Pune will tell you to use a cold compress in the first 72 hours so that the swelling can be reduced if any. This is the most common method of dealing with swelling and redness. Also, this is important if you think you will not be able to handle the mild pain and swelling. You must start applying it in advance to reduce the effect of post-recovery symptoms.


You should have the ability to listen to your doctor and follow the guidelines that he gives. You should also take the precautions that he mentions to avoid developing any kind of infection or another medical issue. You must take your medication and drugs on time so that no consequence takes place. You should also visit the doctor as scheduled and tell him about the problems that you are facing if any.


You must provide ample rest to your body after the surgery. This is important because the body undergoes several changes and it is not an easy task to get its energy restored. To heal itself your body uses energy and to restore the energy your body takes seven or eight hours of sleep each night. The body heals the most required parts of the body while you sleep and the process of healing is quite faster than usual.


You must not blow your nose after the surgery as it will put a strain on the entire structure and might lead to bleeding or infection if any such activity is done harshly or forcefully. It is better not to touch it again and again or put any kind of pressure on it.

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